
Set during the late Weimar Germany, this musical focuses on the hedonistic nightlife at the Kit Kat Klub and the relationship between writer Clifford Bradshaw's and cabaret performer Sally Bowles.

The concept for this design was inspired by German architecture, Weimar-era culture, and the conflict between themes of the sexual and emotional fantasies of German Expressionism and the unsentimental honesty of the New Objectivity movement.

The through-line is “ignorance is bliss,”: the set is warm and inviting, yet right beyond the three doors, a chaotic mess of mirror shards and ruined brick is slowly creep into the club.


authors. John Kander (music), Fred Ebb (lyrics) & Joe Masteroff (book)


top slideshow. Visual renderings and “color story” of various musical numbers. SketchUp Pro and Adobe Photoshop.